Family Table
Temple Emeth is a participant in Family Table, a kosher food pantry under the auspices of Jewish Family & Children’s Services, which provides nutritious food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. Cans of kosher tuna are collected at the Temple and transported to the pantry.
High Five – Drop Out(side), Do Good
Once a month
- Temple Emeth is collecting donations for Brookline Food Pantry
- Donations picked up from your doorstep by TE member and delivered to BFP
- Social distancing observed – More information here
- To sign up, email Samara Katz at
- Read about our program on
- Thank You for making a difference!
High Five- Drop In, Do Good
In collaboration with JF&CS, Temple Emeth engages our members of all ages in a drop-in program on selected Sundays. Participants undertake a specific project each session, determined by community needs.