Binah B’emet – Jewish Education for Pre-K through Grade 7

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Binah B’emet, a new adventure in community engagement and investment in youth education, opened at Temple Emeth in the fall of 2016. It is the latest offering in Temple Emeth’s seven-decade tradition of providing an engaging educational experience kindergarten – grade 7, regardless of synagogue affiliation. Tuition through Grade 5 is included in Temple Emeth membership dues.


Vision and Objectives

Binah B’emet emphasizes student-centered education – making the material relevant and connected to the students’ lives and giving students opportunities to delve into areas of study of interest to them. The focus is on creating connections between people, between people and the environment, and between Jewish values and the contemporary world.

Binah B’emet extends beyond the traditional classroom to connect learning and living, and studying and doing, resulting in the creation of a community of lifelong learners and active members who are excited, fulfilled, and purposeful in their Jewish journeys. A key objective is to provide a relevant and meaningful experience for students through community engagement and strong identity development.

Values-based Curriculum Design

The curriculum is organized around the study of Jewish values. Each theme incorporates relevant text study, Hebrew language, artistic expression, community service, relevant prayers, and ethical and moral perspectives on living Jewishly in the 21st century.

Binah B’emet extends study beyond the classroom with limmud leculam – learning for all. This multigenerational approach brings together adult education, prekindergarten classes, and community projects – engaging all ages and abilities in the theme of study, alongside or together with, elementary age children attending Binah B’emet.

Hours and Location

Binah B’emet is held at Temple Emeth on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for all grades. Check with Samara Katz, Director of Education, for the additional weekday schedule for Grades 2-5. Students in Grades 6-7 continue with Binah B’emet at Temple Emeth, and study with Cantor McCloskey in preparation for becoming  B’nei Mitzvah.