Our Services

Temple Emeth holds religious services for both adults and children throughout the year. Our services are egalitarian, highly musical, personalized and creative religious experiences. We use the Siddur Lev Shalem for Sabbath and Festivals prayer book. Published in 2016 by the Conservative movement, Siddur Lev Shalem offers fresh insights into the traditional text, inspirational commentary, revised Hebrew transliterations, and updates to make it both egalitarian and LGBT friendly. All are welcome to any of our services!


Kabbalat Shabbat Friday evening service begins weekly at 6 pm.

Shabbat services are held in the sanctuary on Saturday mornings beginning at 9:30 am. Kiddush follows.

Daily Minyan

Morning and evening daily minyan, held in the Chapel, provides for the spiritual needs of both Temple members and non-members in the Jewish community. Please let the leader know if you are observing a Yahrzeit, so that you can be offered an opportunity to lead the service, or to accept an honor.

Minyan times are:

*If a secular holiday falls on a weekday, check web calendar for morning minyan start time.

Click here for our digital siddur for Ma’ariv services.

High Holy Days

High Holiday information for 5782 will be available shortly. Please contact our executive director at if you have any questions.

Jewish Holidays

For services held on Jewish holidays check our website calendar for dates and times.