Bible and Beyond

September 3, 2024    
7:30 pm



Virtual Adult Education Class with

Dr. Davin Wolok

Tuesday, August 6 at 7:30 pm


You are a Whole World: The Uniqueness and

Significance of Each Individual in Jewish Thought

In this coming session, beginning at 7:30 pm, we will begin with the story of Moses’ humility in accepting guidance from his Midianite father-in-law Jethro. We will continue with the story of the prelude to the revelation at Sinai, in which God, Moses and the people of Israel all play key roles. The text for this session begins with the Book of Shemot or Exodus, Chapter 18, verse 1 and continues to Chapter 19, verse 13. It is found in the Etz Hayim volume on pages 432 to 439.