“לפי כחו –Each according to One’s Ability”
Exploring the Hebrew Bible through the Lens of Disability Studies 
Tuesdays March 8th, 15th & 29th, and April 5th & April 26th at 8:30am
According to a number of rabbinic texts, the Sinaitic Revelation showcases the Divine as Master-Teacher, communicating the message to each Israelite according to their own unique abilities and needs. In fact, many of the greatest heroes of the Hebrew Bible, live with special needs. Moses, has a stutter. Jacob walks with a limp through most of his life. Rebecca and Isaac have visual impairment. Isaac also may have been developmentally delayed, and Esau, had he lived in our current milieu, would likely have diagnosed as ADHD. Join Cantor Michael McCloskey, as we reexamine the challenges and strength of these amazingly vivid characters, awakening new insights and a heightened sensitivity within ourselves and our community. The book Esau’s Blessing: How the Bible Embraces Those with Special Needs by Dr. Ora Horn Prouser is recommended but not required. One may purchase the book at the following link or course check out of one’s local library. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/esaus-blessing-ora-horn-prouser/1132450897?ean=9781934730355
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