Coffee with Cantor Michael McCloskey

June 21, 2022    
8:30 am - 9:30 am

Coffee with Cantor Michael McCloske

Tuesdays June 7, 14 & 21 at 8:30am
Musar and the Golden Mean: Mining Maimonides for Psychological and Ethical Insights
Some of the deepest American challenges of our age are divisiveness, rampant impulsivity, unchecked aggression, and a feeling of spiritual emptiness. Maimonides, renowned sage, philosopher, physician, and legal scholar of the 11th and 12th century, addresses these challenges and a pathway to an inspired life in his psychological-ethical work, the Eight Chapters. Join Cantor Michael McCloskey, as we explore this treatise and its applicability to personal and communal development and our current political and social challenges. We will also utilize other classical and modern Judaic and secular sources, including media to broaden our understanding.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 843 2181 4035
Passcode: 676345